VOTD/PSA: Pesci-ent Knowledge: Stephen Kotkin on Xi’s China, Putin’s Russia | GoodFellows | Hoover Institution

Written by Frank M. Lin on 12/06/2022 1:40 PM at Shilin home, Taipei, Taiwan – This is one of the best episodes about China. Covers a lot of history and especially the economic development and relationship with USA. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED and hence why I put it down as video of the day. I watch a lot of high quality YouTube videos and listen to lot a few high quality podcasts. Trust me when I say this one is worth your time. Enjoy.

Who knew Joe Pesci is so damn smart and knowledgably about history of China, Russia and all this military action as well. Stephen Kotkin is amazing. This was the first time I’ve heard from him. People like him should be foreign ambassadors or handle foreign policies. I’m just blown away at the amount of information in this episode.

Posted in Chinese, Chinese stories/history, Good Guys List - my heros & inspirations, Human Rights, Life/Musings, Military, Politics, Election, Politics/Societies/World stuff, PSA - public service announcements, Relevant News, The Good Bits of USA, The Truth, The Realist, USA, VOTD - Videos Of The Day | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

PSA/VOTD: 9 Dimensional Existence Explained

Written by Frank M. Lin 10/10/2022 7:58 am @ Shilin home, Taipei, Taiwan – I’ve watched and listen to this particular podcast few times already. It is super information dense, I always pick up something new during each viewing. I feel this is the best explanation of the dimensional ideas ever!! So this video comes highly recommended by me. Having experienced raising the internal frequency by different methods – Hot Springs, Yoga, Meditation, Chi-Kong, as well as the best tool IMO – Ayahuasca aka DMT… I have validated many of what Matai as has said. You guys that are on the path will have to see and feel things for yourself.

Posted in AKMEE Engineering, Bikram Yoga, Bikram Yoga, Conspiracy Theories/Underground Societies/Twilight Zone, Cool story, Bro!, Good Guys List - my heros & inspirations, Health & Fitness, Hot Springs/Hot Tubbing/Natural Springs/Waterfalls, Kibram Yoga, Life/Musings, PSA - public service announcements, Pure Love, Relevant News, Religion, Repost, Retrospective, The Truth, The Realist, Uncategorized/Unsorted, VOTD - Videos Of The Day | Leave a comment

PSA/VOTD: Last Warning!! World Economic Forum is EVIL.

Written by Frank M. Lin September 26th, 2022 2:38am – I’ve known about World Economic Forums for several years now. They didn’t seem super evil until the past 5 years or so, where now their agenda is on FULL DISPLAY. George Gammon is one of the BEST YouTube channel that talks about money. George has been SPOT on with macro economics and micro economics and the state of the USA economy. Been following him for few years now too.

Just remember, anything and everything associated with Klaus (Founder of WEF) is evil, period. There is ZERO GOOD DEED that they do. This whole pandemic was planned – it is called “plandemic” by those of us who been aware of WEF (look up WEF Event 201). Anthony Fauci the whole spearheaded the whole USA CDC fight against Covid is HEAVILY involved with WEF. He also funded the original gain of function research. How the fuck he is not in jail yet?! He should be tried for crimes against humanity by the ICC – International Criminal Court.

Since this post is VOTD (video of the day, I won’t link any other videos. I implore you to research this…

Posted in Bad Guys - weaklings/evil empires/people on my shit list, Conspiracy Theories/Underground Societies/Twilight Zone, Human Rights, Life/Musings, Military, OMG WTF BBQ crazy stuff O_O, Politics, Election, Politics/Societies/World stuff, Relevant News, The Dumb/Retarded Aspects of USA, The Truth, The Realist, USA, VOTD - Videos Of The Day | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

PSA/VOTD: Dr. Jordan Peterson, Hoover Institute, James Lindsey, Project Veritas

Written by Frank M. Lin on July 16th, 2022 5:59 am @ Tong-Xiao, Miao-li, Taiwan – Essentially my Good Guys List of 2022. These folks and institutions are invaluable. These are among the best minds with courageous and correct thinking. They thinking, speak, and do the “right” things. HEROS in my book.

Jordan Peterson. One of my favorite modern philosopher, thinker, speaker. One thing I have to thank the crazy left is for them to shed light on amazing people like Mr. Peterson. I also highly recommend the Hoover Institute, and if you can stand the jargons, James Lindsey’s New Discourses. One of the things I got to do in the past 3 years is to learn a great deal about how the left came about, how they operate, and why things are the way it is currently. The days of the left is numbered because the result of their “ruling” of the modern west is CLEARLY damaging. No sane or center (non-political people) people can stand them anymore… Antifa, BLM, 3rd wave feminism, even the anti-death league, climate change BS, and all that, gets exposed one by one. The truth always prevail in the end.

喬丹·彼得森。 我最喜歡的現代哲學家、思想家、演說家之一。 我要感謝瘋狂的左派的一件事是讓他們了解像彼得森先生這樣了不起的人。 我也強烈推薦胡佛研究所,如果你能聽懂行話,詹姆斯林賽的新話語。 在過去的 3 年裡,我要做的一件事就是大量了解左派是如何產生的、他們是如何運作的,以及為什麼會變成現在這樣。 左派的日子屈指可數,因為他們“統治”現代西方的結果顯然具有破壞性。 沒有理智或中心(非政治人士)的人可以忍受他們了……Antifa,BLM,第三波女權主義,甚至是反死亡聯盟,氣候變化BS等等,都被一一暴露了。 真相總是最終佔上風。

Hoover Institute is part Stanford University in Palo Alto, California. Stanford is ONE of the BEST University on the planet. They have great scholars and researchers. The campus is also amazing… Sometimes I wish I was more serious in my youth and gone to places like MIT, Caltech, UCB, or Stanford. 🙂 I would’ve made my family very proud. But it’s okay, my path is long and convoluted but I’ve enjoy every bit of it. I love my life.

“I actually think that this woke movement is evil. It plays on peoples best nature. It takes good people and twists them to its purpose.” – James Lindsey on Joe Rogan Experience, 2020

James’s actual channel contain basically academia type of deep research. It’s sometimes very hard to listen to… But he is a serious dude. I only recommend his channel if you got time to spare or if you truly want to understand the history of the left…

James O’Keefe of Project Veritas also made my Good Guys List. They are absolutely beasts and does great actual journalism.

Posted in Cool story, Bro!, East/West/translations, Good Guys List - my heros & inspirations, Life/Musings, Literature, Culture, Prominent Figures, name dropping/me showing off my awesomeness lol, Politics, Election, Politics/Societies/World stuff, PSA - public service announcements, Relevant News, Retrospective, The Dumb/Retarded Aspects of USA, The Good Bits of USA, The Truth, The Realist, USA, VOTD - Videos Of The Day | Tagged , | Leave a comment

VOTD/PSA: Dr. Mary’s Monkey – a weird but true story about JFK assassination and a biological weapon.

Written by Frank M. lin on 12/21/2022 5:57 pm @ Shilin home, Taipei, Taiwan – I’m only 30 minutes into this video and it is absolutely fascinating. Hench why I’m blogging about it as my video of the day…

From Google Book’s Review: The 1964 murder of a nationally known cancer researcher sets the stage for this gripping exposé of medical professionals enmeshed in covert government operations over the course of three decades. Following a trail of police records, FBI files, cancer statistics, and medical journals, this revealing book presents evidence of a web of medical secret-keeping that began with the handling of evidence in the JFK assassination and continued apace, sweeping doctors into coverups of cancer outbreaks, contaminated polio vaccine, the arrival of the AIDS virus, and biological weapon research using infected monkeys.

Posted in Book Recommendations, Conspiracy Theories/Underground Societies/Twilight Zone, Cool story, Bro!, Health & Fitness, Life/Musings, OMG WTF BBQ crazy stuff O_O, Politics/Societies/World stuff, PSA - public service announcements, Relevant News, Repost, The Truth, The Realist, TV Shows/Movies & Youtube Video Reviews, USA, VOTD - Videos Of The Day | Leave a comment

80 years old grandma repays huge debt from 2008. 80歲負債1億 浙江「誠信奶奶」賣衣還債12年…驚喜預告:要退休了

Written by Frank M. Lin 12/07/2022 3:54 AM @ Shilin home, Taipei, Taiwan – I haven’t done a bi-lingual blog post in a long time. I just read this story and was touched by it. So here we go. Chinese source shown first, my translation it.

Source: https://www.ctwant.com/article/224620

80歲負債1億 浙江「誠信奶奶」賣衣還債12年…驚喜預告:要退休了






English translation by Google Translate, adjusted slightly by Frank M. Lin

Zhejiang’s “Integrity Grandma” has sold clothes to pay off her debts for 12 years… She used to have a thriving business but the financial crash of 2008 caused her to have a 100 million RMB in debt at the age of 80. Surprise notice: she is finally about to retire at the age of 92!!

A 92-year-old grandmother in Zhejiang, mainland China, who sells down jackets for a living, decided to retire after selling out the last down jacket in stock this year. As soon as the news came out, the locals were both surprised and delighted, because it means that she, who is known as the “honest grandma”, has paid off the debt she owed for more than a decade. She is not afraid of failure and likes to get up from the place where she fell.

According to “Jimu News” report, at the age of 52, “Integrity Grandma” Chen Jinying established the “Xinghua Down” garment factory with a capital of RMB 3,000 (approximately NT$13,000), and once achieved an annual revenue of over 10 million RMB. . When the company owed a huge sum of 20.77 million (approximately NT$91 million) during the financial turmoil in 2008, Chen Jinying, who was 80 years old at the time, chose to bear the debt by herself. She liquidated all her assets to pay off the debt as much as possible. (Frank’s comment: I think it must have been a limited liability company or something similar, whereas she didn’t have to personally pay the debt. But she chose to anyway because of her super high moral characters, what a lady!!)

In order to repay the remaining 2.77 million (about NT$12 million) debt, Chen Jinying chose to open a small down jacket store next to a building in Lishui. He also works as a seamstress to repair clothes. As an 80-year-old man who should have enjoyed his old age in peace, his life is as hard as a young man who just started his own business. But for Chen Jinying, repaying debts is more important than enjoying his old age comfortably.

Perhaps out of a sense of responsibility, although Chen Jinying has paid off all the debts at the age of 90, she still sells down jackets. It was not until recently that she made the decision to retire after selling the last piece of clothing. And her decades-long determination to repay debts also won her the honor of “Zhejiang Proud Person” in January 2021 in 2021.

(Frank’s comment: This is truly an inspirational story. How many people work to the age of 80? How many can do what she did?! Very rare indeed.)

Posted in Chinese, Chinese stories/history, Cool story, Bro!, East/West/translations, Entrepreneur, Good Guys List - my heros & inspirations, Life/Musings, Politics/Societies/World stuff, Relevant News, Repost, Women/Girl Power | Leave a comment

WOTD: Word of The Day – Atma आत्मन्

Written by Frank M. Lin on 10/23/2022 5:34 am – I feel a bit silly but this is in fact true. I’ve never heard of the word Atma until like 5 minutes ago. I saw Dr. Mohsen Paul Safarazi reference it below (see picture). Learn something new everyday!! I love it. Notice Atma is clearly explained in Buddhism. Pretty neat.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C4%80tman_(Hinduism) (click for much more extensive read)

Ātman (/ˈɑːtmən/Sanskrit: आत्मन्) is a Sanskrit word that refers to the (universal) Self or self-existent essence of individuals, as distinct from ego (Ahamkara), mind (Citta) and embodied existence (Prakṛti).[note 1] The term is often translated as soul,[note 2] but is better translated as “Self,”[1] as it solely refers to pure consciousness or witness-consciousness, beyond identification with phenomena. In order to attain moksha (liberation), a human being must acquire self-knowledge (Atma Gyaan or Brahmajnana).

Atman is a central concept in the various schools of Indian philosophy, which have different views on the relation between Atman, individual Self (Jīvātman), supreme Self (Paramātmā) and, the Ultimate Reality (Brahman), stating that they are: completely identical (Advaita, Non-Dualist),[2][3] completely different (Dvaita, Dualist), or simultaneously non-different and different (Bhedabheda, Non-Dualist + Dualist).[4]

The six orthodox schools of Hinduism believe that there is Ātman in every living being (jiva), which is distinct from the body-mind complex. This is a major point of difference with the Buddhist doctrine of Anatta, which holds that in essence there is no unchanging essence or Self to be found in the empirical constituents of a living being,[note 3] staying silent on what it is that is liberated.[5][6][7][8]

In Hinduism, Atman refers to the self-existent essence of human beings, the observing pure consciousness or witness-consciousness as exemplified by the Purusha of Samkhya. It is distinct from the ever-evolving embodied individual being (jivanatman) embedded in material reality, exemplified by the prakriti of Samkhya, and characterized by Ahamkara (ego, non-spiritual psychological I-ness Me-ness), mind (cittamanas), and all the defiling kleshas (habits, prejudices, desires, impulses, delusions, fads, behaviors, pleasures, sufferings and fears). Embodied personality and Ahamkara shift, evolve or change with time, while Atman doesn’t.[12] It is “pure, undifferentiated, self-shining consciousness.”[13]

As such, it is different from non-Hindu notions of soul, which includes consciousness but also the mental abilities of a living being, such as reason, character, feeling, consciousness, memory, perception and thinking. In Hinduism, these are all included in embodied reality, the counterpart of Atman.

Atman, in Hinduism, is considered as eternal, imperishable, beyond time, “not the same as body or mind or consciousness, but… something beyond which permeates all these”.[14][15][16] Atman is the unchanging, eternal, innermost radiant Self that is unaffected by personality, unaffected by ego; Atman is that which is ever-free, never-bound, the realized purpose, meaning, liberation in life.[17][18] As Puchalski states, “the ultimate goal of Hindu religious life is to transcend individually, to realize one’s own true nature”, the inner essence of oneself, which is divine and pure.[19]

Posted in Awesome Quotes of the Day, Cool story, Bro!, East/West/translations, PSA - public service announcements, Religion, The Truth, The Realist, WOTD - Word Of The Day, 佛教 Buddhism | Leave a comment

VOTD: ODESZA’s album – A Moment Apart 

Written by Frank M. Lin 10/18/2022 4:55 am @ Shilin home, Taipei, Taiwan

I’ve been listening to ODESZA since 2014. They are so good in general, but I think this particular album is exceptionally good. It is darn nearly perfect. Enjoy. They are from Bellingham, Washington in USA actually. I thought they were European originally because I was introduced to them by my French friends.

這一個電音樂團 ODESZA 我已經從2014年開始聽他們每一張專輯都好聽。聽久之後我特別覺得這一張非常棒特別推薦 他們實際上來自美國華盛頓州的貝靈厄姆。 我原本以為他們是歐洲人,因為我是由我的法國朋友介紹給他們的。

Posted in Chinese, Cool story, Bro!, East/West/translations, Good Guys List - my heros & inspirations, Life/Musings, Pure Love, Retrospective, The Good Bits of USA, USA, VOTD - Videos Of The Day | Leave a comment

Testing new Helmet Cam setup with dual Sony CMOS cameras.

Written by Frank M. Lin October 9th, 2022 1:18 am @ Shilin home, Taipei, Taiwan – I just bought this earlier yesterday (Friday) morning. Looks VERY promising. I’ll probably bring a batch to sale in USA. It looks quite good and can probably work very well as a in car camera for track days or even motorsports use.

Here is a quick sample of footages taken in the evening… Very good low light performance I think…

Front camera view…
Rear camera view…
Posted in AKMEE Engineering, Automotive, Car Videos, Road Racing, Autocross, Time Attack, HPDE | Leave a comment

VOTD/PSA/Repost: How does it feel to die? – BBC REEL

Written by Frank M. Lin on September 16th 2022 9:32am @ Shilin home in Taipei, Taiwan – Was answering some question about Ayahuasca/DMT and someone talking about the brain and she mentioned this clip which is pretty awesome. Decided to turn it to my VOTD.

Posted in Body/Mind/Spirit Connections, Cool story, Bro!, Esoteric, Human Rights, Life/Musings, Politics/Societies/World stuff, PSA - public service announcements, Relevant News, Religion, Repost, The Truth, The Realist, VOTD - Videos Of The Day | Leave a comment

VOTD: 2 Inspiring Odesza Music Videos about Space

Written by Frank M. Lin on September 7th, 2022 6:28am @ Shilin home, Taipei, Taiwan

I LOVE the music from ODEZA. Introduced by my French friends in 2014 on my trip to Paris and Le Mans. Their music are absolutely amazing, highly recommended.

Someone made this awesome video cut, check it out. Super inspiring. I wanna go to space dammit!!!

And finally, was suggested to listen to this song as 8D Audio by using head phones. It’s quite trippy and extremely cool. TRY IT! While we’re at it, check out another 8D Audio compilation below. 8D Audio is freaking awesome with a headphone.

Posted in AKMEE Engineering, Aliens/ET's/UFO's, Aviation, Cool story, Bro!, Life/Musings, Music Soundtracks/Videos/Culture, PSA - public service announcements, Pure Love, Technology/Modern Marvels, TV Shows/Movies & Youtube Video Reviews, VOTD - Videos Of The Day | Tagged , | Leave a comment